
Blah Blee Blah

Well. It's morning (or early afternoon) and I'm here. Well, I'm not really all here, or perhaps I should say not really all there, but whatever. You get the point. And if you do get the point, please explain it to me.

This is what watching too much Dr. Horrible will do to me. It will set me to pontificate about things I have no idea what I am pontificating about. Oh well...we all know that status is so not quo, so what's it matter anyway? At least, I think to myself as I watch my lacy curtains waft gently in the morning breeze.

As far as pontificating goes, I had this very deep post about what truly makes people beautiful, but I'm saving it for another day. I've ingested too much Joss Whedon to bother trying to feel anything remotely serious at the moment.

That said, I will leave for you a picture of me that kind of inspired the whole thought process in the first place.

Behold the Daily Me:
This is the way I usually look in the mornings: bare faced (then again I'm always bare faced), hair wild, comfy sweater. Not exactly Marilyn Monroe, but it works for me. I used to be a professional makeup artist and I've done the whole full-face thing for years, until finally I decided enough: if God wanted me to have perfectly painted brows and scarlet red lips He would have given them to me. Combine that with my general laziness and the raising of two very active kids and you now have 'Me' in the mornings.

And of course, any excuse to try out my cell phone camera. Expect lots of cats and kids in the future.

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